[AI-SEMI] 2023년 전국대학생 AI 반도체 설계 2차 공지(수정)
2023년 전국대학생 AI 반도체 설계 2차 공지 (수정)
Final Task
1. Consider an image sensor of 9x9 pixels and each pixel has its own index as following table.
2. This sensor is sending out its pixel value 1 or 0, sequentially from pixel number 1 to pixel number 49, then repeat it again; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, …. 47, 48, 49, 1, 2, 3, 4, …
3. There are four different patterns; vertically, horizontally, 45-degree diagonal & 135-degree diagonal, which all 7 consecutive pixels having 1 and all the other pixels having 0.
4. Make a neuron network chip with 3 outputs indicating the direction of the pattern. It should be based on task1 constraints.
At each server, there are common library directory anybody can copy the team library into the common library. The library name is AILIBx; x stands for the server number. Ex, server ip number, the directory name is AILib1.
Each team should name their library start with team id number. Ex, 231009neuon, 231009input, so on.
Please DO NOT MODIFY another team’s library.
▣ 제출 방법
* 제출 : eric.ryu@snu.ac.kr
* 메일 제목: [2023 AISEMI] 팀명, 2차 과제 제출
* Due Date : 2023. 11. 03. 18:00
*홈페이지 게시판 문의 시 즉각적인 응대가 어려울 수 있으므로 문의사항은 메일로 회신바랍니다.
- 2023년 전국 대학생 반도체 경진대회 2차 공지 (수정).docx (18 KB, download:413)